
Showing posts from April, 2019

Springing Along Nicely!

  There are green fuses and lines of golden catkins, beams of sunlight and blue sky… And throughout the woods the birds are in full voice.  Pichu! Pichu!  Twirling about my head in the branches, a very smart Coal Tit is calling for a Lady   And nearby, Blue Tits are chattering and chasing through the elder bushes and the trees as they decide whom is going to pair with whom;   from various clumps of Brambles or low branches, Wrens pop up and declare briefly in between scurrying around foraging or scouting for choice nesting spots – the fellas usually build several nests to tempt the ladies with, the Lady having the final say on which nest is used.   All around the woods and margins, the air is full of birdsong - after the ‘Fool’s Spring’ of unseasonably warm weather in February, spring proper has now commenced on my Local patch, proceeding at a somewhat more sedate pace than last year, when there was definite air of ‘catching up’ after a very cold winter. This year, spring began w