About ME!

Some years ago, I decided to learn my way around digital photography so that I could keep pictorial records of the wildlife and nature on my local patch as I began to explore it – an area of of woodland and farmland near to where I live with a fallow field. To say I was surprised at the variety of birds, insect life and flora would be an understatement. When I was considerably younger (a mere Tween!) I had thoroughly enjoyed a bit of birdwatching, so with the interest very much re-awakened, this time with different eyes and taking a very different approach with an appreciation now of seeing the natural world far more, observing and wondering at how, from the soil upwards, through plants and insects to birds, reptiles and mammals, everything fits together in an incredible way with an important place in the huge Nature Jigsaw. This time around, no tick lists, instead, everything I watched and or photographed I was going to learn something...