Darting, Buzzing, Jumping and Pouncing, It's all happening out there!

Once upon a time, there was a woman who was rather scared of 'Creepy Crawlies' and buzzing whizzing things. She was even more scared of spiders... Then one day she decided to learn how to use her camera, she started off on larger creatures, but during the summer months, when the birds were all busy with young or out of sight behind the leaves, she began to look more closely at the little creatures. After a while, with the help of a long lens, she began to 'see', get curious as to what she was seeing and began to marvel at the world of Minibeasts. Every year, I love watching everything emerge and follow a cycle, from the plants reappearing in the spring, followed by the first Bees, then watching the birds getting busy, then in the summer, the gradual emergence of fairly common insects. I almost tell the time of year, by what I'm observing out on my walks. I'm not scared of the Creepy Crawlies and buzzy whizzy things anymore ...