
Showing posts from March, 2016

A Spring Walk...

  Well, the other weekend I went for a bit of a walk on the Local Patch and thought you may care to come along with me...   It is a sunny and slightly breezy afternoon, quite warm in some of the more sheltered spots and not too chilly in the others!   As we walk to the woods, in the Blackthorn and Brambles at the edge, are a number of small birds, a Robin is singing loudly, he considers this to be 'his' patch and several Great and Blue Tits are flitting about.  At about eye level, there is one of the local House Sparrows, a female, who is obviously having a busy day - she is collecting materials for a nest.  We watch her for a while, whilst she watches us quizzically back, before flying off to continue her home improvements.   As we enter the woods, to our left is a reasonable sized pond, we walk softly as we can hear frogs singing and as we walk carefully down the slope to the edge, we can see a lot of little heads bobbing in the water as well as quite a bit of paddling